I realised i hadn't actually shown many pictures of where Pineapple Retro comes to you from...
Well, this is my HQ... my little sanctuary in the garden, surrounded by a tropical garden jungle and within chatting distance to the guinea pigs generally (who have to put up with witterings daily).
This poor building has had so many uses. It actually came with me from a previous house (where it had housed a very large super sports motor bike)! it looked very different then. Once it arrived, it became a general dumping ground, then i opened it as a home shop, then back to storage before now being used daily for worky stuff.
I have a wrapping table, desk and room to display my favourite treasures around me...
My very special American posters from the 1960s. They are Southern Comfort adverts and very hard to find in this country (i recently managed to get some more shipped from the US for a regular customer). Since taking this photo i have actually sold the amazing 1950s satin poodle coat shown on Margaret the mannequin, as it never got worn by anyone else)!
With a serious passion for anything flower power, of course my desk is covered in flower stickers (Rickie Tickie ones, again from the States) and some of my Laurids Lonborg tins on display with the obligatory rainbow of course
Even my notice board doesn't exactly have room for notices! so i guess it's more a mood board, where all my favourite cards and graphic lovely things go....
After years of being stuck in the spare room, it is so lovely to have huge sliding doors open to the fresh air and (occasional) sunshine, the light is fab now everything is a fresh white (it's all very well insulated now too). I also get to use my mums fantastic 1970s green plastic drawer unit for my filing. This piece has travelled all around with both me and my mum, and is considered a funky family heirloom now.
So now you know. When you buy from me, imagine me tapping away on John the mac, singing along to some random tune and talking to the pigs!